Final Account

Direct Investment records financial flows between resident and non-resident firms that are under a direct investment relationship. A direct investment relationship is established when a Greek firm (direct investor) holds at least 10% in the share capital of a non-resident firm (direct investment firm), or conversely, when a non-resident firm (direct investor) holds at least 10% in the share capital of a Greek firm (direct investment firm).

Direct Investment includes the establishment of a branch as well as real estate investment.

All transactions – following the initial one establishing the direct investment relationship – related to the maintenance, expansion or termination of this relationship, as well as any loans and suppliers’ credit granted between a direct investor and a direct investment firm, are recorded under Direct Investment. Finally, Direct Investment includes retained (reinvested) earnings. If the firms under a direct investment relationship are monetary financial institutions, Direct Investment records only the initial participation in the share capital (if >10%) and any further increase of this participation, but not transactions related to deposits and loans between the two firms

Transactions are recorded under Direct Investment according to the criterion of the investment’s ‘direction’ (directional principle). Thus, all financial flows between resident direct investors and non-resident direct investment firms are recorded under Direct Investment Abroad, while all financial flows between non-resident direct investors and resident direct investment firms are recorded under Direct Investment in Greece.


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